sábado, 14 de outubro de 2006

Nouvelle Vague - Don't Go

"Said he /(she) was a killer, now I know it's true
I'm dead when you walk out the door"

4 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

ooohh...nice blonde, nice song, nice vid, fabulous...err..shirt :D

nice to see the vid now that i've heard the song. thanks, Sempre Portugal.


Always disse...

Hahaha... not sweddish though, she looks French!! :D

Nouvelle Vague is a French project actually...

Anónimo disse...

i know. rather French than Swede. blonde or brunette! :)

aowwwwww...i have even a softer spot for French :D *swoon* the accent and the rest...if you catch my drift.


Swede is absolut(ely) out!

Always disse...

LOL... I still like blue eyed tall blondes... sweddish or not! :)